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Image by Gilles Lambert


Image by Elena Joland

(cling film - scroll down for "second skin")

  • Please do not remove your cling film for the first night. If it is extremely weepy or is starting to come off, you may remove the wrapping, wash thoroughly with antibacterial soap, pat dry with kitchen roll and re-wrap.

  • In the morning, remove cling film and wash your tattoo with an unscented, antibacterial soap such as Simple or Carex.

    If possible, purchasing Hibiscrub from a pharmacy is the best option, especially for large colour pieces.

  • Pat dry with a CLEAN towel or fresh kitchen roll.

  • DO NOT apply cream until the 3rd day. For the next 2 days, you will need to wash and dry your tattoo 2-3 times a day.

  • On the 3rd day, wash and dry as before, now you can apply a thin layer of suitable moisturiser. Suitable and unsuitable moisturisers are listed in below.

  • Keep washing, drying and moisturising your tattoo like this until it flakes, and then you can reduce washing, but keep moisturising.

  • On day 4-8 your tattoo will be drying out and flaking, this is normal, but please do not pick of scabs or flakes. They should come off in the shower.

  • And you're done! If your tattoo needs a touchup for whatever reason, get in touch and we will do it for free if necessary.

General information

Image by Elena Joland
  • Leave your second skin on for 4-5 days. You can shower/bathe and do everything like normal, just ignore it. Do not have very hot showers, keep it as cool as you can deal with. High temperatures may cause the second skin to break into small pieces when removing it, and the adhesive can stay stuck to the tattoo.

  • If your second skin is full of liquid on the second day, it's advised to drain it or replace it. Draining is done by creating a pinhole in the second skin, squeezing the liquid out and covering the hole with tape. Your artist will give you a replacement if they think it's needed. If you need to replace the second skin, like with large colour pieces, remove it in the morning after the appointment, wash with Hibiscrub or another antibacterial soap, rinse thoroughly, pat dry with clean kitchen towel and immediately replace the second skin.

  • Pull the second skin off on the 4th or 5th day by pulling it outwards and stretching it parallel to the skin, not upwards like a wax strip.

  • When you've removed the second skin, it will be almost healed. Wash and dry it, and immediately apply moisturiser. Continue to wash, dry and moisturise for a few more days, until the flaking stops.

  • If your second skin begins to lift to expose that tattoo at any point before the 5 days are up, it must be removed immediately and cleaned. Then follow the aftercare in section 1.

  • Some people are allergic to second skin, like with plasters, so any itching or redness directly under it is a bad sign. Leaving it on can cause blisters and bad rashes, so you must decide wether to take it off or not. You can always email a photo to us or pop in for advice. Reactions will be apparent on the second day.

second skin 1.jpg
second skin 2.jpg

<- how to remove second skin without damaging the tattoo

Second Skin



  • DO NOT USE: Cetraban, Vaseline, Bepanthen, Coconut oil, E45, Germaline, or Sudocrem or Tattoo Goo. They will either trap too much moisture in the tattoo, giving bacteria the perfect breeding ground, or they are too drying. Some contain things like zinc which will dull the colours of the ink. Although your tattoo will likely "heal" it may not heal WELL. The quality of the tattoo after it's healed can vary greatly on the aftercare, so choosing the right moisturiser is important.

  • DO USE: We sell Hustle Butter in the studio, which is given free for tattoos over £100, and is the perfect moisturiser for all tattoos and almost all skin types. However, if you decide to use your own, use a gentle, fragrance free moisturiser that isn't greasy or oily. The optimal moisturisers are fragrance free/sensitive, such as Aveeno baby, or Simple. In general, you can use a moisturiser made specifically for tattoos, excluding Bepanthen tattoo, and Tattoo Goo.

  • DO NOT put a lot of cream on. You only need enough for it to be tacky, and dry within a few minutes.

  • DO use a new cream, or a relatively new one that you squeeze out without touching.

  • DO NOT moisturise multiple times a day without washing first. Always wash the old cream off first, before drying and adding fresh moisturiser.

Image by Laney Smith

Important advice

  • Keep your fresh tattoo away from dirt and unclean, rough or tight clothing and or bedding. Also be mindful of perfumes, makeup, and hair products. They can cause infections, which lead to scabbing and scarring.

  • Any redness, heat, pus or swelling after the 2nd day can be a sign of infection. Immediately purchase Hibiscrub from a pharmacy to wash with and visit your doctor, or get in touch if symptoms do not subside within 12 hours of using it at LEAST twice. Areas like ankles and feet can be swollen for a few days due to the lyphatic system, but please get in touch if you're worried.

  • Do not swim or bath for 2 weeks after getting a tattoo. The tattoo absorbing too much water can lead to bacterial growth and other problems.

  • Touch ups are free, where the tattoo is either patchy, missing lines, or wobbly, so please get in touch to book in if your tattoo NEEDS it. If you're tattoo needs editing from the original design, there will be a small fee. Touch ups can be done 2-3 weeks after the initial appointment.


IF YOU ARE WORRIED please send us a photo and explain your symptoms, or visit your doctor.

Our email is

27 Totteridge road HP13 6EB

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